Blue Q
Blue Q Gum Certified Pain In The Ass
Just like one of those framed diplomas in your doctor's office, but more hand-out-able. 8 pieces of candy-coated, cinnamon-flavored gum in each box. FS1065
Blue Q Gum Go Away I'm Introverting
Yes, even you. 8 pieces of candy-coated, fruit-flavored gum in each box. FS1078
Blue Q Gum Grumpy Old Man
There he is, walking on air he is, fairest of the fair he is: Grumpy Old Man. 8 pieces of candy-coated, mint-flavored gum in each box. FS1096
Blue Q Gum I Hate You
We were like, "let's make a mean gum!" and then we did... but then it felt too mean, so we put flowers on it. 8 pieces of candy-coated, fruit-flavored gum in each box. FS1087
Blue Q Gum I'm So High.
I heard that it's super easy to get a medical marijuana prescription when you're a sloth. 8 pieces of candy-coated, peppermint-flavored gum in each box. FS1069
Blue Q Gum Intentional Bitch Face
Some folks don't want to take credit for their bitch face, but I'm not one of those folks. 8 pieces of candy-coated, cinnamon-flavored gum in each box. FS1093